- Pradaeng
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2 years 3 months ago #1530264
by Pradaeng
stepfather was created by Pradaeng
Phra h̄lwng ph̀xleī̂yng xyū̀ d̂ān h̄lạng neī̀y h̄nū klāy pĕn ph̀xleī̂yng h̄od h̄rx khrạb lūkleī̂yng x̀a 2 k̄hwb kẁā«bīb tĥxng læ̂w k̆ h̄emụ̄xnkạb xeā pị thîng h̄ı̂ xāb n̂ả h̄ı̂ lūk tāy na lūkleī̂yng kạb ph̀xleī̂yng h̄rụ̄x pel̀ā mị̀ dị̂ thả mæ̀h̄el̆k krathả mæ̀h̄el̆k k̄hæwnkhx dĕk xeng reụ̄̀xng nī̂ kh̀a pĕn h̄etukārṇ̒ thī̀ keid k̄hụ̂n d̂wy na khrạb læ̂w phūd pĕn mæ̀ mæ̀ k̄hxng dĕk k̆ khụ̄x nāng s̄āw ṣ̄irā ṇī tảnān thịy xāyu 30 pī nī̂ pị cæ̂ng khwām r̂xngthukk̄h̒ kạb tảrwc thī̀ s̄ p̣hph ra pra dæng c s̄muthrprākār na kha n̂xng thik ke xr̒neī̀ ylūk 2 k̄hwb khrụ̀ng kh̀a don ph̀xleī̂yng xāyu 36 pī thậng kāy s̄āh̄ạs̄ ley na xārmṇ̒ s̄eīy chīwit thī̀ rong phyābāl kh̀a h̄etukārṇ̒ keid k̄hụ̂n ch̀wng b̀āy k̄hxng meụ̄̀x wān thī̀ p̄h̀ān māna kha pĕn wạy kảlạng bæb ch̀āng phūd ch̀āng khuy ley 2 kherụ̄̀xng na kh̀a thī̀ keid h̄etu xyū̀ nı h̄̂xng chèā thī̀ xảp̣hex phrapradæng cạngh̄wạd s̄muthrprākār kh̀a thīnī̂ tảrwc lngphụ̄̂n thī̀h̄ịn t̂xng pị kĕb rwbrwm phyān h̄lạkṭ̄hān h̄̂xng chèā h̄̂xng nī̂ pĕn h̄̂xng chèā pĕn h̄̂xng chèā mrṇa d̂wy na kha læa kār trwc s̄xb kl̂xng wngcrpid ẁā tạw ph̀xleī̂yng xæb h̄nī pị thāng h̄ịn khụ̄x ph̀xleī̂yng kûng lūk wạy 5 deụ̄xn ǹa xeā pị d̂wy na cn ch̀wng 23:00 N tảrwc rwb tạw dị̂ kh̀a ph̀xleī̂yng khn nī̂ pị cạb tạw dị̂thī̀ h̄̂xng phạk rāy wạn kıl̂«k̄hns̄̀ng phrapradæng læ̂w næ̀nxn k̆ t̂xng don ph̀xleī̂yng xeng læ̂w k̆ mæ̀ thæ̂«k̄hxng dĕk na bxk ẁā h̄etukārṇ̒ nī̂ keid k̄hụ̂n wạn thī̀ 10 phvṣ̄cikāyn ṭhnākhār nı h̄̂xng chèā chı̀ h̄ịm khrạb ph̀xleī̂yng neī̀y p̄hū̂ h̄ıỵ̀ b̂ān neī̀y t̄hụng k̄hận p̄hū̂h̄ıỵ̀b̂ān t̂xng yk phwk buk mā rum xeā pụ̄n mā k̄hū̀ ley h̄rx deī̌yw ca phā pị dū ẁā mī por phiṣ̄es̄ʹ h̄rụ̄x pel̀ā keid xarị k̄hụ̂n dị̂ na kha khụ̄x txn ræk k̆ s̄̀ng p̄hū̂ ch̀wy p̄hū̂h̄ıỵ̀b̂ān mā dū læ̂w txn h̄lạng neī̀y p̄hū̂h̄ıỵ̀b̂ān yk phwk læ̂w k̆ xeā pụ̄n mā ley kh̀a phā khuṇ p̄hū̂ chm pị dū h̄ǹxy na kha neụ̄̀xngcāk kl̂xng wngcrpid kh̀a nī̀ h̄ĕn h̄ịm kha nī̀ khụ̄x p̄hū̂s̄eīyh̄āy na khaneī̀ y læ̂w k̆ pĕn h̄etukārṇ̒ txn thī̀ mī p̄hū̂h̄ıỵ̀b̂ān phr̂xm phwk rwm 5 khn t̄hụ̄x pụ̄n mā buk b̂ān k̄heā thảr̂āy nāy s̄ākhr wngṣ̄̒ phi phạnṭh̒ xāyu 44 pī sụ̀ng pĕn lūk b̂ā nī̀«khr̀xm r̀āng ley kh̀a cé t̂xy k̄heā ca nwd na xeā pụ̄n k̄hū̀ d̂wy læ̂w khn xụ̄̀n k̆ yụ̄n dū neī̀y thub xeā thêā h̄eyīyb h̄n̂āxk kh̀a thuk txn lng pị h̄lāy khrậng x̀a khụ̄x khnnı b̂ān thī̀ xyū̀ k̄hxng p̄hū̂s̄eīyh̄āy neī̀y meīy kh̀a k̄hêā mā 5 neī̀y khụ̄x mị̀ h̄yud kh̀a k̄heā k̆ klạw pị thāng b̂ān na h̄etukārṇ̒ thī̀ keid k̄hụ̂n thī̀ b̂ān h̄mū̀ 2 tảbl khlxng c̄hnwn weīyngs̄ra s̄urās̄ʹḍr̒ṭhānī thīm k̄h̀āw pị cex p̄hū̂s̄eīyh̄āy kh̀a k̆ khụ̄x khuṇ s̄ākhr wngṣ̄̒ phi phạnṭh̒ neī̀y k̄heā mī xāchīph ch̀āng s̀xm thạ̀wpị sụ̀ng b̂ān chèā ǹa xyū̀ trngkạnk̄ĥām kạb khū̀krṇī khụ̄x p̄hū̂h̄ıỵ̀ ch̀wng 8:00 N k̄hxng wạn thī̀ 6 kạn yāy nneī̀y phos̄t̒ neī̀y pĕn lūk b̂ān k̆ thor pị h̄ā p̄hū̂h̄ıỵ̀b̂ān bxk h̄ı̂ mā rạbp̄hidchxb dū n̂ả prapā h̄ı̂ h̄ǹxy pherāa n̂ả prapā n̂ảmạn mị̀ h̄ịl læ̂w t̂xng c̀āy kh̀ān̂ả prapā t̄hung s̄ūng t̄hụng 400 kẁā bāth p̄hū̂ ch̀wy p̄hū̂h̄ıỵ̀b̂ān k̆ mā dū h̄ı̂ na pherāa thor pị bxk rt̄h brrthuk ph̀wng 18 l̂x f̄̀ā mị̂ kận rāng rt̄hfị h̄lạngcāk nận keid xarị k̄hụ̂n pị dū x̀a reīybr̂xy læ̂w khrạb pĕn k̄hbwn rt̄hfị krungtheph‡ cheīyngh̄ım̀ na khrạb phùng chn pị thī̀ k̄ĥx t̀x rt̄h ph̀wng 18 l̂x thī̀ brrthuk k̄ĥāwpelụ̄xk mā tĕm lả phyāyām ca k̄hạb f̄̀ā pị tæ̀ k̆ mị̀ rxd khrạb s̄ud tĥā yk̆neī̀y ḥa chn pị tậng reīybr̂xy ley cud nī̂ trng tảbl thā s̄b s̄êā xảp̣hex mæ̀thā cạngh̄wạd lảphūn na khrạb cêāh̄n̂āthī̀ rt̄hfị pracả p̂xm bxk ẁā k̄hṇa thī̀ rt̄hfị kảlạng wìng k̄hêā mā k̆ mī s̄ạỵỵāṇ fị mī thī̀ kận xạtnomạti k̆ yk lng læ̂wtæ̀ khn k̄hạb rt̄h brrthuk ph̀wng phyāyām ca k̄hạb f̄āk tām pị tæ̀ k̆ mị̀ pĥn don chn pị xyū̀ thī̀ khuṇ s̄m nụk ẁā nāngf̂ā khrạb phnạkngān k̄hạb rt̄h pị bxk ẁā k̄hạb rt̄h mā t̄hụng cud k̄hạb rt̄h mā t̄hụng cud keid h̄etu h̄ĕn rt̄h ph̀wng cxd xyū̀ la læ̂w k̆ xyū̀ bn rāng læa mạ̀ncı ẁā don næ̀cı k̆ ley rīb dụng berk c̄hukc̄hein k̄hxng rt̄hfị khrạb tæ̀ yạng takon bxk cêāh̄n̂āthī̀ h̄ā thī̀ kảbạng rt̄hfị n̂ảmạn berkh h̄yud ley x̀a mạn h̄yud mị̀ dị̂ kh̀xy«pị reụ̄̀xy«s̄udtĥāy pĕn yạng ngị lxng fạng dū khrạb māpk ti kherụ̄̀xng pận thảngān dị̂ pkti ley tæ̀ rt̄h brrthuk ph̀wng 18 l̂x ǹa k̄heā sik sæ kmā læ̂w k̆ mạn mā k̄hwāng xyū̀ k̄hwāng mạn h̄yud h̄yud lạks̄ʹṇa mạn p̄hū̂h̄ỵing khn nī̂ kh̀a meā læ̂w k̄hī̀ mxtexr̒sịkh̒ k̄hī̀ mxtexr̒sịkh̒ s̄er̆c púb cả mị̀ dị̂ nī̀ mx te xr̒ sịkh̒ khır x̀a xeā k̆ tạw xeng phimph̒ mā c̄hey«x̀a pị xeā k̄hxng khır mā cả mị̀ dị̂ kh̀a s̄er̆c púb tảrwc k̆ mā ley bxk xeā phī̀ pị xeā mxtexr̒sịkh̒ khır mā k̆ phūd mị̀rū̂ reụ̄̀xng xīk pherāa tạw xeng meā læ̂w kh̀a xeā pị ch̀wy dū kạn h̄ǹxy kh̀a tæ̀ mị̀rū̂ pĕn k̄hxng khır k̄heā h̄ı̂ yụ̄m mā k̄heā ẁā xỳāng nī̂ na neī̀y k̄heā h̄ı̂ yụ̄m mā pheụ̄̀x ca mā teim n̂ảmạn mxtexr̒sịkh̒ k̄hxng tạw xeng k̆ pị sụ̄̂x n̂ảmạn mā læ̂w k̆ mā teim tæ̀ txn nī̂ k̆ mị̀rū̂ h̄emụ̄xn kạn ẁā rt̄h ca cxd wị̂ thī̀h̄ịn t̄hām k̆ yìng ngng kh̀a xị̂ cud thī̀ keid h̄etu nī̂ na kha xyū̀ thī̀ tlāds̄d theṣ̄bāl 1 t̄hnn mh̄ādthịy bảrung kh̀a thī̀ cạngh̄wạd tāk na kha b̂ān k̆ ley cæ̂ng tảrwc pị bxk mā dū h̄ǹxy s̄i khuṇ tảrwc tām h̄ā cêāk̄hxng h̄ǹxy læ̂w p̄hū̂h̄ỵing khn nī̂ pl̀xy k̄heā pị mị̀ dị̂ na k̄heā meā ca 3:00 N t̄hụng chāw b̂ān neī̀y na kha chāw b̂ān k̄heā bxk ẁā p̄hū̂h̄ỵing khn nī̂ k̄heā h̄ĕn læ̂ wx̀a k̄hī̀ rt̄h mā læ̂w k̆ mā cxd cāk nận k̆ bxk kạb dĕk pạ́m ẁā ca teim n̂ảmạn 50 bāth læ̂w k̆ thîng rt̄h dein h̄āy pị phx dein klạb mā xīk thī bxk mị̀ xeā l̀a ca xeā n̂ảmạn s̄ı̀ k̄hwd mā dū khlip h̄etukārṇ̒ rathụk klāng s̄ī̀ yæk kạn ley na khrạb p̄hm ca h̄ĕn p̣hāph cāk kl̂xng h̄n̂ā rt̄h na rt̄h f̄ạ̀ng nī̂ na k̄heā fị k̄heīyw kạn læ̂w k̆ kh̀xy«khelụ̄̀xn kạn xxk pị tæ̀ rt̄h f̄ạ̀ng k̄hwā thī̀mā cāk yæk nụng k̆ kd ẁā mị̀ cxd mị̀ cxd tidfị dæng khrạb kûng mā ley cnkrathạ̀ng pĕn h̄etu chn kạn na malakx kracāy pherāaẁā pĕn rt̄h brrthuk ma la kx xô h̄o chxb h̄ā thậng malakx kracāy thậng s̄eā fịf̂ā h̄ạk khòn lng māna læa thī̀ s̄ảkhạỵ mī khn cĕb d̂wy khuṇ pherāaẁā khn bādcĕb neī̀ yk̆ pĕn ph̀xkĥā mæ̀kĥā thī̀ k̄hāy donạth k̄hāy phwngmālạy xyū̀ klāng s̄ī̀ yæk na khrạb h̄etukārṇ̒ keid k̄hụ̂n briweṇ s̄ī̀ yæk fị dæng crācr s̄ī̀ yæk fị crācr kbinthr̒burī tảbl meụ̄xng kèā xảp̣hex kbinthr̒burī cạngh̄wạd prācīnburī na khrạb rt̄h kraba brrthuk malakx tĕm khạn f̄̀ā s̄ạỵỵāṇ fị dæng læ̂w k̆ chn yạb dạng s̄nạ̀n klāng t̄hnn khrạb k̀xn thī̀ ca phlik khẁả ṇ thī̀ keid h̄etu phb rt̄h kraba yī̀h̄̂x xī sū sun a khrạb thabeīyn cạnthburī s̄p̣hāph phlik takhæng l̂x d̂ān h̄lạng k̄hwā h̄lud 1 l̂x h̄̀āng pị lĕkn̂xy khrạb rt̄h yī̀ h̄̂x f xr̒d na khrạb thabeīyn prācīnburī k̆dị̂ rạb khwām s̄eīyh̄āy cāk kār t̄hūk khn na khrạb kạnchn h̄n̂ā læ̂w k̆ kraporng k̄ĥāng ŝāy na kha dị̂ rạb
4,600 / 5,000
The father-in-law is in the back. I have become a brutal stepfather. My stepdaughter is more than 2 years old. Squeezing the stomach and it's like taking it and leaving it to bathe the child for death. This story is an incident that happened too and speaking as a mother, the child's mother is Miss Siranee, a Thai legend, 30 years old, went to file a complaint with the police at Phra Pradaeng police station, Samut Prakan, Nong Tigger. 2 and a half years old, being hit by a 36-year-old stepfather, physically and emotionally, died at the hospital. The incident happened yesterday afternoon. It's a talkative age. There are 2 machines at the scene. In a rented room in Phra Pradaeng District, Samut Prakan Province, where police go to collect evidence, this motel is also a rented room for death and to check CCTV that the stepfather secretly fled to which way is the stepfather. A 5-month-old baby shrimp was taken with me until around 11:00 PM. The police picked him up. The stepfather was arrested at the daily room near Phra Pradaeng transport and of course he would have been hit. The child's own stepfather and biological mother said that this incident happened on November 10th, the bank in the rented room, right? 918kiss
4,600 / 5,000
The father-in-law is in the back. I have become a brutal stepfather. My stepdaughter is more than 2 years old. Squeezing the stomach and it's like taking it and leaving it to bathe the child for death. This story is an incident that happened too and speaking as a mother, the child's mother is Miss Siranee, a Thai legend, 30 years old, went to file a complaint with the police at Phra Pradaeng police station, Samut Prakan, Nong Tigger. 2 and a half years old, being hit by a 36-year-old stepfather, physically and emotionally, died at the hospital. The incident happened yesterday afternoon. It's a talkative age. There are 2 machines at the scene. In a rented room in Phra Pradaeng District, Samut Prakan Province, where police go to collect evidence, this motel is also a rented room for death and to check CCTV that the stepfather secretly fled to which way is the stepfather. A 5-month-old baby shrimp was taken with me until around 11:00 PM. The police picked him up. The stepfather was arrested at the daily room near Phra Pradaeng transport and of course he would have been hit. The child's own stepfather and biological mother said that this incident happened on November 10th, the bank in the rented room, right? 918kiss
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